********************************** Welcome to xOpera's documentation! ********************************** .. _xopera_logo: .. figure:: /images/xopera-black-text-mid.png :target: _images/xopera-black-text-mid.png :width: 60% :align: center The following documentation explains the usage of xOpera TOSCA orchestrator. Want to try it right away? Just go to :ref:`Examples` or follow the Table of Contents below. .. toctree:: :caption: Table of Contents :hidden: 01-intro 02-cli 03-api 04-saas 05-tps 06-scanner 07-examples .. toctree:: :caption: More info :hidden: 08-contact GitHub .. Indices and tables ================== * :ref:`genindex` * :ref:`modindex` * :ref:`search` .. _References: ========== References ========== - Bat Nejc et. al.: `xOpera - Get your orchestra(tor) pitch perfect`_ - Carbonell, Maria: `xOpera - an agile orchestrator`_ - Cankar, Matija et. al.: `Auto-scaling Using TOSCA Infrastructure as Code`_ - Luzar, Anže et. al.: `Examination and Comparison of TOSCA Orchestration Tools`_ .. _Contact: ======= Contact ======= You can contact the xOpera team by sending an email to xopera@xlab.si. The list of xOpera contributors: - Contacts for projects where xOpera is being or has been used: - Matija Cankar (https://github.com/cankarm/): `RADON`_ and `PIACERE`_ - Dragan Radolović (https://github.com/dradX/): `SODALITE`_ - xOpera orchestration tool core development team: - Anže Luzar (https://github.com/anzoman/) - Sašo Stanovnik (https://github.com/sstanovnik/) - Matej Artač (https://github.com/matejart/) - Alexander Maslennikov (https://github.com/alexmaslenn/) - Former xOpera team members and xOpera developers: - Tadej Borovšak (https://github.com/tadeboro/) .. _Acknowledgments: =============== Acknowledgments =============== This project is being developed by `XLAB`_'s `xOpera`_ team. - This work is has been supported by the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme (grant no. 825040, `RADON`_). - The work described here has been conducted within the Research & Innovation action `SODALITE`_ (project no. 825480), started in February 2019, and co-funded by the European Commission under the Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) theme of the H2020 framework programme (H2020-ICT-16-2018: Software Technologies) - This work is being supported by the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme (grant no. 101000162, `PIACERE`_). .. _xOpera - Get your orchestra(tor) pitch perfect: https://www.xlab.si/sl/blog/xopera-get-your-orchestrator-pitch-perfect/ .. _xOpera - an agile orchestrator: https://www.sodalite.eu/content/xopera-agile-orchestrator .. _Auto-scaling Using TOSCA Infrastructure as Code: https://link.springer.com/chapter/10.1007/978-3-030-59155-7_20 .. _Examination and Comparison of TOSCA Orchestration Tools: https://link.springer.com/chapter/10.1007/978-3-030-59155-7_19 .. _XLAB: https://www.xlab.si/ .. _xOpera: https://www.xlab.si/solutions/orchestrator/ .. _RADON: https://radon-h2020.eu/ .. _SODALITE: https://sodalite.eu/ .. _PIACERE: https://www.piacere-project.eu/