xOpera CLI (opera)


This section explains the installation of xOpera orchestrator.


opera requires python 3 and a virtual environment. In a typical modern Linux environment, we should already be set. In Ubuntu, however, we might need to run the following commands:

$ sudo apt update
$ sudo apt install -y python3-venv python3-wheel python-wheel-common


xOpera is distributed as Python package that is regularly published on PyPI. So the simplest way to test opera is to install it into virtual environment:

$ mkdir ~/opera && cd ~/opera
$ python3 -m venv .venv && . .venv/bin/activate
(.venv) $ pip install --upgrade pip
(.venv) $ pip install opera

The development version of the package is available on Test PyPI and the installation goes as follows.

(.venv) $ pip install --index-url https://test.pypi.org/simple/ --extra-index-url https://pypi.org/simple/ opera


After you installed xOpera CLI into virtual environment you can test if everything is working as expected. We can now explain how to deploy the hello-world example.

The hello world TOSCA service template is below.

tosca_definitions_version: tosca_simple_yaml_1_3

  template_name: "hello-world"
  template_author: "XLAB"
  template_version: "1.0"

    derived_from: tosca.nodes.SoftwareComponent
            value: { get_input: marker }
            type: string
          create: playbooks/create.yaml
          delete: playbooks/delete.yaml

      type: string
      default: default-marker

      type: tosca.nodes.Compute
        private_address: localhost
        public_address: localhost

      type: hello_type
        - host: my-workstation

As you can see it is has only one node type defined. This hello_type here has two linked implementations that are actually two TOSCA operations (create and delete) that are implemented in a form of Ansible playbooks. The Ansible playbook for creation is shown below and it is used to create a new folder and hello world file in /tmp directory.

The Ansible playbook that implements the create TOSCA operation looks like this:

- hosts: all
  gather_facts: false

    - name: Make the location
        path: /tmp/playing-opera/hello
        recurse: true
        state: directory

    - name: Ansible was here
        dest: /tmp/playing-opera/hello/hello.txt
        content: "{{ marker }}"

And the playbook for destroying the service is below.

- hosts: all
  gather_facts: false

    - name: Remove the location
        path: /tmp/playing-opera
        state: absent

The deployment operation returns the following output:

(.venv) $ git clone git@github.com:xlab-si/xopera-opera.git
(.venv) $ cd examples/hello
(.venv) examples/hello$ opera deploy service.yaml
[Worker_0]   Deploying my-workstation_0
[Worker_0]   Deployment of my-workstation_0 complete
[Worker_0]   Deploying hello_0
[Worker_0]     Executing create on hello_0
[Worker_0]   Deployment of hello_0 complete

If nothing went wrong, new empty file has been created at /tmp/playing-opera/hello/hello.txt.

(venv) examples/hello$ ls -lh /tmp/playing-opera/hello/
total 0
-rw-rw-rw- 1 user user 0 Feb 20 16:02 hello.txt

To delete the created directory, we can undeploy our stuff by running:

(venv) examples/hello$ opera undeploy
[Worker_0]   Undeploying hello_0
[Worker_0]     Executing delete on hello_0
[Worker_0]   Undeployment of hello_0 complete
[Worker_0]   Undeploying my-workstation_0
[Worker_0]   Undeployment of my-workstation_0 complete

After that the created directory and file are deleted:

(venv) examples/hello$ ls -lh /tmp/playing-opera/hello/
ls: cannot access '/tmp/playing-opera/hello/': No such file or directory


You can retrieve currently installed version with opera --version/-v.

CLI commands reference

opera was originally meant to be used in a terminal as a client and it currently allows users to execute the following CLI commands:

CLI command

Purpose and description

opera deploy

deploy TOSCA service template or CSAR

opera undeploy

undeploy TOSCA service template or CSAR

opera validate

validate TOSCA service template or CSAR

opera outputs

retrieve outputs from service template

opera info

show information about the current project

opera package

package templates and accompanying files into CSAR

opera unpackage

unpackage CSAR into directory

opera diff

compare service templates and instances

opera update

update/redeploy template and instances

notify the orchestrator about changes after the
deployment and run triggers defined in TOSCA policies

The commands can be executed in a random order and the orchestrator will warn you in case of any problems. Each CLI command is described more in detail in the following sections.


opera deploy - used to deploy and control deployment of the TOSCA application described in YAML or CSAR.

The --resume/-r and --clean-state/-c options are mutually exclusive.

usage: opera deploy [-h] [--instance-path INSTANCE_PATH] [--inputs INPUTS]
                    [--workers WORKERS] [--resume | --clean-state] [--force]

Positional Arguments


TOSCA YAML service template file or CSAR


--instance-path, -p

Storage folder location (instead of default .opera)

--inputs, -i

YAML or JSON file with inputs to override the inputs supplied in init

--workers, -w

Maximum number of concurrent deployment threads (positive number, default 1)

Default: 1

--resume, -r

Resume the deployment from where it was interrupted

Default: False

--clean-state, -c

Clean the previous deployment state and start over the deployment

Default: False

--force, -f

Force the action and skip any possible prompts

Default: False

--verbose, -v

Turns on verbose mode

Default: False


opera undeploy - undeploys application; removes all application instances and components.

The opera undeploy command does not take any positional arguments.

usage: opera undeploy [-h] [--instance-path INSTANCE_PATH] [--workers WORKERS]
                      [--resume] [--force] [--verbose]


--instance-path, -p

Storage folder location (instead of default .opera)

--workers, -w

Maximum number of concurrent undeployment threads (positive number, default 1)

Default: 1

--resume, -r

Resume the undeployment from where it was interrupted

Default: False

--force, -f

Force the action and skip any possible prompts

Default: False

--verbose, -v

Turns on verbose mode

Default: False


opera validate - validates the structure of TOSCA template or CSAR.

usage: opera validate [-h] [--instance-path INSTANCE_PATH] [--inputs INPUTS]
                      [--executors] [--verbose]

Positional Arguments


TOSCA YAML service template file or CSAR


--instance-path, -p

Storage folder location (instead of default .opera)

--inputs, -i

YAML or JSON file with inputs

--executors, -e

Validate TOSCA templates and also the executors (e.g., Ansible playbooks) behind them

Default: False

--verbose, -v

Turns on verbose mode

Default: False


opera outputs - print the outputs from service template (after deployment/undeployment).

usage: opera outputs [-h] [--instance-path INSTANCE_PATH]
                     [--format {yaml,json}] [--output OUTPUT] [--verbose]


--instance-path, -p

Storage folder location (instead of default .opera)

--format, -f

Possible choices: yaml, json

Output format

Default: “yaml”

--output, -o

Output file location

--verbose, -v

Turns on verbose mode

Default: False


opera info - print the details of current deployment project.

usage: opera info [-h] [--instance-path INSTANCE_PATH] [--format {yaml,json}]
                  [--output OUTPUT] [--verbose]

Positional Arguments


Path to a packed or unpacked TOSCA CSAR (defaults to the current directory if not specified)


--instance-path, -p

Storage folder location (instead of default .opera)

--format, -f

Possible choices: yaml, json

Output format

Default: “yaml”

--output, -o

Output file location

--verbose, -v

Turns on verbose mode

Default: False


opera package - package TOSCA YAML templates and their accompanying files to a compressed (zipped) TOSCA CSAR.

usage: opera package [-h] [--service-template SERVICE_TEMPLATE]
                     [--output OUTPUT] [--format {zip,tar}] [--verbose]

Positional Arguments


Path to the root of the service template or folder you want to create the TOSCA CSAR from


--service-template, -t

Name or path to the TOSCA service template file from the root of the input folder

--output, -o

Output CSAR file path

--format, -f

Possible choices: zip, tar

CSAR compressed file format

Default: “zip”

--verbose, -v

Turns on verbose mode

Default: False


opera unpackage - uncompress TOSCA CSAR (to a specified directory).

usage: opera unpackage [-h] [--destination DESTINATION] [--verbose] csar

Positional Arguments


Path to the compressed TOSCA CSAR


--destination, -d

Path to the location where the CSAR file will be extracted to, the path will be generated in the current working directory if it isn’t specified

--verbose, -v

Turns on verbose mode

Default: False


opera diff - compare TOSCA service templates and instances.

usage: opera diff [-h] [--instance-path INSTANCE_PATH] [--inputs INPUTS]
                  [--verbose] [--template-only] [--format {yaml,json}]
                  [--output OUTPUT]

Positional Arguments


TOSCA YAML service template file


--instance-path, -p

Storage folder location (instead of default .opera)

--inputs, -i

Optional: YAML or JSON file with inputs that will be used along with the comparison

--verbose, -v

Turns on verbose mode

Default: False

--template-only, -t

Compare only templates without instances

Default: False

--format, -f

Possible choices: yaml, json

Output format

Default: “yaml”

--output, -o

Output file location


opera update - update the deployed TOSCA service template and redeploy it according to the discovered template diff.

usage: opera update [-h] [--instance-path INSTANCE_PATH] [--inputs INPUTS]
                    [--workers WORKERS] [--verbose]

Positional Arguments


TOSCA YAML service template file


--instance-path, -p

Storage folder location (instead of default .opera)

--inputs, -i

Optional: YAML or JSON file with inputs that will be used for deployment update

--workers, -w

Maximum number of concurrent update threads (positive number, default 1)

Default: 1

--verbose, -v

Turns on verbose mode

Default: False


opera notify - notify the orchestrator about changes after deployment and run triggers defined in TOSCA policies.

usage: opera notify [-h] [--instance-path INSTANCE_PATH] --trigger
                    TRIGGER_OR_EVENT [--notification NOTIFICATION] [--force]


--instance-path, -p

Storage folder location (instead of default .opera)

--trigger, -t, --event, -e

TOSCA policy trigger name or event that will invoke all the actions (interface operations) on policy

--notification, -n

Notification file (usually JSON) with changes that will be exposed to TOSCA interfaces

--force, -f

Skip any prompts and force execution

Default: False

--verbose, -v

Enable verbose mode

Default: False

Secrets and Environment variables

You can use the following environment variables:

Environment variable


Example value


Username for the Ansible ssh
connection to a remote VM
(default is centos)

Path to the file containing
your private ssh key that
will be used for a
connection to a remote VM


Disable Ansible host key
checking (not recommended)
false or f
(not case sensitive)


Be very careful with your orchestration secrets (such as SSH private keys, cloud credentials, passwords and so on) that are stored as opera inputs. To avoid exposing them don’t share the inputs file and the created opera storage folder with anyone.

Shell completion

For easier usage of the CLI tool opera enables tab completion for all CLI commands and arguments. We use shtab in our code to generate a shell completion script. We don’t have a separate command to do that since but rather a global optional argument that will print out the completion script for the main parser. This flag is called --shell-completion/-s and it receives a shell type to generate completion for. Shtab currently supports bash and zsh so those are the options. So, after running opera -s bash|zsh the generated tab completion script will be printed out. To activate it you must source the contents which can be done with eval "$(opera -s bash)" or you can save it to a file and then source it.

# print out completion script for bash shell
(venv) $ opera -s bash
#!/usr/bin/env bash

_shtab_opera_subparsers=('deploy' 'diff' 'info' 'notify' 'outputs' 'package' 'undeploy' 'unpackage' 'update' 'validate')

_shtab_opera_option_strings=('-h' '--help' '-s' '--shell-completion' '--version' '-v')
_shtab_opera_deploy_option_strings=('-h' '--help' '--instance-path' '-p' '--inputs' '-i' '--workers' '-w' '--resume' '-r' '--clean-state' '-c' '--force' '-f' '--verbose' '-v')

# print out completion script for zsh shell
(venv) $ opera -s zsh
#compdef opera


  "(- :)"{-h,--help}"[show this help message and exit]"
  {-s,--shell-completion}"[Generate tab completion script for your shell]:shell_completion:(bash zsh)"
  {--version,-v}"[Get current opera package version]:version:"

_shtab_opera_commands_() {
  local _commands=(

# activate completion for bash directly
(venv) $ eval "$(opera -s bash)"

# activate completion for zsh directly
(venv) $ eval "$(opera -s zsh)"


Every CLI command is equipped with --help/-h switch that displays the information about it and its arguments, and with --verbose/-v switch which turns on debug mode and prints out the orchestration parameters and the results from the executed Ansible playbooks. Consider using the two switches if you face any problems. If the issue persists please have a look at the existing opera issues or open a new one yourself.